Friday, April 3, 2020

Reading Reflection No. 2

Thinking Fast and Slow

  1. The general theme of the book was that people make decisions in an irrational way, even when attempting to be rational, and that their is two decision making systems in your brain, an automatic one and a conscious one.
  2. The book enhanced what I am learning in ENT3003 because this class deals with solving a lot of problems. Now I will start to think twice before I make decisions knowing that my brain is naturally lazy and attempts to take short-cuts when solving problems.
  3. An exercise would involve people answering a couple of questions that seem easy but require more conscious decision making. This way people will see the action of their brain taking short-cuts to solve problems and how it can hurt them in the long run.
  4. The biggest 'aha' moment for me was learning how all human brains like to cut corners and look for the easiest way to solve a problem even if it inhibits the solution that is uncovered. Because of this, people aren't able to use all of their intelligence.  

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