Thursday, March 19, 2020

Create a Customer Avatar

My Prototypical customer is a college student. They spend more time in the library cramming for their exams than they do talking to people during exam week. Their preferred method of transportation is a bike, scooter, or bus. Some of them may even live close enough to campus to walk everywhere. They love eating out, especially at Chipotle because it is so close to one of the main libraries at the University of Florida, however they hate how long the line gets around exam season. They range in age from 18-24 and can be anywhere from a brand new undergrad who thinks they took hard classes in high school, to a seasoned masters student who learned very quickly that UF exams are nothing like those in high school. They've probably watched The Office more than once and have no regrets about it. They drink Starbucks late into the night and have a messed up sleep schedule.

I relate heavily to my customer avatar because my business idea stemmed off of problems that I have personally experienced as a UF student and throughout life. Therefore there is absolutely no coincidence that we have things in common.


  1. Hi Patrick,
    Great job relating your experiences to that of your avatar. Being able to relate with your prototypical customer's problems gives you a competitive advantage over someone who is trying to work in this space without having experienced the challenges that college students face. I think you went into good detail in explaining your reasoning on why you chose this customer segment. I also think that while this is a good segment to start with, there are many other types of customers that will benefit from your service.

  2. Hi Patrick,
    I like how you made your customer avatar people in college. I can agree with you that during a week where I have exams, I do not like wasting a lot of time to eat food. If I knew the wait of the line before, this can help me save time and also change my mind about the place I am going to eat at. However, I think your app can also apply to working adults especially during their lunch time who don't have a lot of time to get food.
